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               				<h3><center><u>Industry Institute Collaboration</u></center></h3>
                           <center> <p>By The Industry, For The Industry, With the Institute.</p>
							<p>Industry Institute Inteface Initiative.</p>
<p>“Building Last Mile Employbility Skills And Entrepreneurial Mindset”.</p>
<p>An initiative to empower our SME and MSME members by establishing processes and systems through our execution partners for their sustainable growth.</p></center>
<center><img src="maccia1.jpg" width="80%"></center>
<p><strong>Message till the program is inaugurated:</strong> Dear Member, thankyou for expressing your interest in joining BSPP (Business Solution Polyclinic Program). We are awaiting inauguration program in presence of state government officials and industry leaders. Submit your contact details and we shall get back to you for completing your enrolment process and enabling you to fetch benefits from the program.</p>
<p>Program Information: Business Solutions Polyclinic Program (BSPP) is concept initiated by MACCIA.
Its Objective is, empowering Industry to get solutions developed by connecting them with
independent professionals, Academia and Young graduates.</p>
<strong>Program Benefits:</strong>
<table width="100%" border="1">
    <td>1. Opportunity to share problems to get multiple solutions on a single problem.</td>
    <td>2. Access to new technology for improving productivity at lesser cost.</td>
    <td>3. Collaborate with academic institutes for a new technology development for better output at lesser cost.</td>
    <td>4. Build and acquire skilled manpower at negligible cost.</td>
    <td>1. Strengthen industry interactions.</td>
    <td>2. Internship support for students for better career development (6 Weeks Industry Connect Internship Program for pre-final year and final year students).</td>
    <td>3. Project exhibition opportunity to showcase talent to the industry and grab suitable opportunities for deserving students.</td>
    <td>4. Consultancy and joint research opportunity with industry for faculty and departments.</td>
    <td>5. One faculty development program per semester through our trained, qualified, and certified mentors.</td>
    <td>6. One student orientation and training program per semester through our trained, qualified certified mentors.</td>
    <td>1. Apply knowledge and expertise to solve industry problems by grabbing consultancy opportunities directly with industry</td>
    <td>2. Revenue generation activities by sharing knowledge and expertise in the capacity of certified mentors</td>
    <td>1. Access to free / paid internship opportunities.</td>
    <td>2. Support to convert idea into Start-up.</td>
    <td>3. Experiential learning opportunity through industry mentors (Training from industry).</td>
    <td>4. Grab deserving job opportunity around your strength.</td>

    <td><input class="btn-primary btn-lg" type="button" id="" value="Apply" /></td>

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