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    <td colspan="2" style="background-color:#b78125; color:white; font-size:25px; font-family: Oswald,sans-serif !important;" ><center><strong>Industry Institute Collaboration Program</strong></center></td>
<center> <p><b>By The Industry, For The Industry, With the Institute</b></p>

<p>Industry Institute Interface Initiative: “Building Last Mile Employbility Skills And Entrepreneurial Mindset”</p></center>

<p>An initiative to empower our SME and MSME members by establishing processes and systems through our execution partners for their sustainable growth.</p>
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<p><b>Program Information:</b></p>
<p>Industry Institute Collaboration (<b>IIC</b>) is concept initiated by Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (<strong>MACCIA</strong>).<br/>
Its Objective is, empowering Industry to get solutions developed by connecting them with
independent professionals, Academia and Young graduates.</p>
<strong>Program Benefits:</strong>
<table width="100%" border="1">
    <td>1. Opportunity to share problems to get multiple solutions on a single problem.</td>
    <td>2. Access to new technology for improving productivity at lesser cost.</td>
    <td>3. Collaborate with academic institutes for a new technology development for better output at lesser cost.</td>
    <td>4. Build and acquire skilled manpower at negligible cost.</td>
    <td>1. Strengthen industry interactions.</td>
    <td>2. Internship support for students for better career development (6 Weeks Industry Connect Internship Program for pre-final year and final year students).</td>
    <td>3. Project exhibition opportunity to showcase talent to the industry and grab suitable opportunities for deserving students.</td>
    <td>4. Consultancy and joint research opportunity with industry for faculty and departments.</td>
    <td>5. One faculty development program per semester through our trained, qualified, and certified mentors.</td>
    <td>6. One student orientation and training program per semester through our trained, qualified certified mentors.</td>
    <td>1. Apply knowledge and expertise to solve industry problems by grabbing consultancy opportunities directly with industry</td>
    <td>2. Revenue generation activities by sharing knowledge and expertise in the capacity of certified mentors</td>
    <td>1. Access to free / paid internship opportunities.</td>
    <td>2. Support to convert idea into Start-up.</td>
    <td>3. Experiential learning opportunity through industry mentors (Training from industry).</td>
    <td>4. Grab deserving job opportunity around your strength.</td>

    <td width="100%"><center><a href="javascript:void(0);"><br/><input class="btn-primary btn-lg" type="button" id="" value="Register Now" /><br/><br/></a></center></td>

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    <td colspan="2" style="background-color:#b78125; color:white; font-size:25px; font-family: Oswald,sans-serif !important;" ><center><strong>Our Channel Execution Partners</strong></center></td>
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        Business Solutions Polyclinic Program (BSPP) is concept initiated by MACCIA. Its Objective is, empowering Industry to get solutions developed by connecting them with independent professionals, Academia and Young graduates
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