• To protect and promote the common economic interests of our Members and foster the Trade, Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Maharashtra on National & International level. 
  • To represent, express and give effect to the opinions of the Members of the Chamber on all types of economic, trade, commerce, industry, and other issues.
  • To take pioneering steps in Capability building, promoting Leadership and to initiate Entrepreneur seeding with practicing high values with trust & confidence.
  • To collect and disseminate information concerning trade, industry, agriculture, MSMEs, water, energy, taxation and related laws.
  • To maintain good relations with government bodies and other commercial organizations in the state and elsewhere in order to advancement of Commerce, Industry &Agriculture.
  • Recognizing the services of Members & Statutory Authorities for their outstanding contribution to social and economic development in Maharashtra.

Dear Member,
I'm eternally grateful & thank all of you for this magnificent opportunity to lead the 'Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture', the Apex body of the state, which has laid a firm foundation for the industrialization and Economic Development of Maharashtra.

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