President Profile

Mr. Lalit Gandhi
MACCIA President
Place : Kolhapur (Maharashtra)
DOB. : 23/09/1967
Education : B. Com, G.D.C.& A
President Message
Dear Member,
I'm eternally grateful & thank all of you for this magnificent opportunity to lead the 'Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture', the Apex body of the state, which has laid a firm foundation for the industrialization and Economic Development of Maharashtra.
The Maharashtra Chamber, founded by Patriot and Visionary Industrialist 'Sheth Walchand Hirachand', has a Glorious history of 95 years. The 'Maharashtra Chamber' a entitlement platform for small and medium-sized businesses as well as for Large scale industries in Maharashtra, in fact, Apart from Advocacy in Policy making and Ease of Doing Business, the Prime Motto of 'Maharashtra Chamber' is to provide Every entrepreneur with new business opportunities and to take them on the stocks.
I, determined to work with derived goal that every member of the Maharashtra Chamber will thrive, while accepting the Most Honored position as 'PRESIDENT', and that the Chamber will help everyone for Growing their business.
I assure you that through the overall Development of the State of Maharashtra, we all will work together to make India a Self-reliant Nation in every aspect.
Your Collaborator,
President Lalit Gandhi
Business Sector
Chairman & M. D.
Aadeshwar Farms & Agro LLP (Agro & Food Processing)
Chairman & M. D.
Shatrunjay Infrastructure
Chairman & M. D.
Shatrunjay Parks & Resorts Pvt. Ltd.
Chairman & M. D.
Lalit Gandhi & Associates
Positions in Organisational Sector of Trade & Industries
President - MACCIA
Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agro, Mumbai
President - WESMACH
Western Maharashtra Chamber of Com., Ind., Agro & Edu.
National Organizing Secretary - CAIT
Confederation of All India Traders, New Delhi
Executive Committee Member - (FICCI)
Federation Of Indian Chambers Of Comm.(Estd. 1927) Imm. Past President - Kolhapur Chamber of Commerce & Industries (KCCI) (Estd. 1983) President (Since 1996) - Rajarampuri Merchants Association, Kolhapur
Managing Committee Member - (ASSOCHAM)
The Associated Chamber of Commerce & Industries in India (Estd. 1920) New Delhi - The Knowledge Chamber of India
Managing Committee Member - (IMC)
Indian Merchants Chamber, Mumbai (Estd. 1906)
Participation in Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi's Delegation to Africa.
Participated in Hon’ble The Prime Minister of India Shri Narendraji Modi's Delegation During his visit to ‘Rawanda’ between 23th - 24th July, 2018
Participation in President of India Delegation
Participated in H. E. Hon’ble The President of India Shri Ramnathji Kovind's Delegation During his visit to ‘Greece’ between 19th June, 2018
Participated in H. E. Hon’ble The Then President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee’s Delegation During his visit to ‘Sweden’ between 31st May, 2015 to 05th June, 2015
Representation in Government Bodies
Member - CPCSEA- Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Govt. of India Nominee :
International Participation Through Govt. Delegation
1993 - Tokyo - Osaka - Japan - Participation in Delegation to attend ‘Global Economic Summit’
2006 - Led Indian Delegation of 260 Chairmans of Co-op. Inst. of Participate, ‘ Asian Co-op. Summit’at Thailand
2006 - Newyork - USA - Participated in ‘Global Investors Summit’, California - USA - ‘ Participated in Global Co-op. Conference’
2007 - Dhaka - Bangladesh - Led Indian Delegation to Participate Asian Co-op. Summit
2008- Colombo - Srilanka - Led Indian Delegation to Participate Asian Co-op. Summit
2011 - Kathmandu - Nepal - Led Indian Delegation to Participate Asian Co-op. Summit
Founder Chief Patron - Jain International Trade Organisation (JITO)
Founder President - Mahaveer Education Society (Estd. 1991)
Having seven charitable schools in Maharashtra giving education to more than 4000 student.
Social Commitments in Co-op., Education & Charitable Organizations
President (Since 2006) - Naccfed India :
National Association of Co-op. Credit Societies & Federation in India - Delhi
President - Kolhapur District English Medium Schools Federation
President - S. P. C. A. Kolhapur
Awards & Recognitions
‘Bhagwan Mahaveer Ahinsa Award 2014’ for Contribution in Social & Educational Sector.
‘Jain Samaj Ratn Award 2015’ for Contribution in Social Sector.
“Sahakar Bhushan” National Award for Contribution in Co-operative Movement
‘Jivan Gaurav Puraskar’ By Planning Commission Member Dr. Narendra Jadhav for Contribution in Educational Sector